So when Rodney and I met we became super fast friends. We had a ton in common and could talk for hours. One thing we made clear to each other was that we didn't want to date a "bible thumper." During this conversation we also established that we wanted to spend our life with someone who was a Christ follower but someone who......didn't overdo it. Someone who believed in God but also knew how to have fun. Basically, a good person who loved God but would have a drink every now and then, ya know?
I look back on this conversation and laugh. What in the world were we talking about? Having gotten back onto the path that God intended for me, I have come to several conclusions. Some of which, I knew all along but either didn't believe or didn't want to face.
1. God really will forgive my sins.
2. God's plan truly is the best for me.
3. God's timing is the best timing.
4. Knowing God and having a personal relationship with Christ is the most precious and wonderful gift I could have ever accepted.
4. ANYONE can obtain Christ's gift and it's free to us.
5. What took me so long to accept this gift?
1. God really will forgive my sins.
Seems simple enough, but I honestly did not feel worthy of forgiveness. I figured I'd gone too far, I was in too deep, my mistakes had been made, He'd seen them and I couldn't take them back even if I wanted to. What was the use in "becoming a Christian? Being born again? Asking for for forgiveness when I knew I didn't deserve it?" Whatever process you want to call it- I just didn't do it. Didn't think it would work. I still prayed and talked to God but my "prayers were empty" as I heard someone describe it today.
When I finally came around (the Holy Spirit began to work in me and change my heart-I had started going to a new church different from any I had ever attended which wasn't all of it but was certainly helpful) I FINALLY could see that even though I do not deserve forgiveness, God offers it to me anyway. Jesus died FOR me so that I COULD be free. I say "offers" because it is ours for the taking. He WANTS to give us this free gift (Christ's life paid for our salvation) and He wants us to follow His plan. He loves us unconditionally!
2. Gods plan truly is the best for me.
Oh did I try to fight this one. For years!! I do wish I could go back and make different decisions and get on His path sooner, but as many people say, "there's a reason for everything" I guess. I almostdidn't become a teacher even! Once I reconnected with the roots I had gained as a child in church, started attending church again, and talked about Christ and the bible more, things started to snowball in all good ways. I had developed a new attitude towards hardships, I was more positive about frustrations at my job, and I met the love of my life, of course. The other "no bible thumpers please" person I was looking for. If you've read any of my other posts you know how much my hubby and our story means to me. :) GOD'S good plan, and timing for that matter, were in full swing the moment I laid eyes on Mr. Rodney Gray.
3. God's timing is the best timing.
I have sometimes looked back on life and wished I could go back and "fix" things. I sometimes feel like so much of my life and my time were wasted on silly things. I was hung up on goofy issues or problems that really didn't mean anything at all. If I let myself think about it I get very flustered at all of my wasted years where I was trying to fill a void. I'll even think to myself, "I should have known better." I've found that this is the beautiful thing about forgiveness. Out with the old and in with the new. Your old self literally goes away and your new self begins (the idea of being born again-I could never figure out what this meant as a kid but I knew I was supposed to do it!)
In my bible study, I have learned that God will call you to Him. He can change your heart if you earnestly seek Him. Now, I was once praying emptily to God and was expecting to wake up the next day a new person and that just wasn't working. It took some hard times and a deep feeling of despair to knock me to my knees and admit to Him that I needed Him and could do nothing without Him. His will for me began the moment I came to this realization. He has been so good to me ever since (and always was I just didn't understand or see it). This doesn't mean my life is some perfect "happily ever after" BUT I am able to cope, accept, and endure more knowing I am in His will. Such a beautiful promise knowing that He is by my side at all times, good and bad!
God's timing is the best timing because it's all part of a greater plan for our good and His glory.
4. ANYONE can obtain Christ's gift and its free to us.
There was certainly a cost; Christ's life. His life was sacrificed so that our sins would be forgiven and we can spend eternity with Him.
I've also learned in bible study that this doesn't mean, "hey I go to church every Sunday and I volunteer in my child's Sunday school class and I give clothes to Goodwill and I pray at every meal," etc. it means that we are earnestly seeking Him, confessing our sins, admitting our wrongs and ACCEPTING His forgiveness. We then must study His word, share the good news and treat others as Jesus would have. We are always growing in our walk with Christ! (Am I perfect and do I do all that I write about 110% of the time? Hi, I'm human too and I have my share of struggles.) I've learned that when I saturate myself with The Word ( which I always thought was just for bible thumpers) and I try to apply what Jesus says in my life, I am happier, more positive and more loving in all situations throughout my life.
Back to ANYONE. God's gift of Jesus' life saves ANYONE who trusts and believes in Him. If we don't, we will burn. It says that plenty of times in the bible! Jesus reiterates this over and over! He is kind enough to give several fair warnings! Took me long enough to decide to listen and believe.
5. What took me so long to accept this gift?
I'm not sure that I have an answer to my own question. Life is so much better and makes so much more sense now that my heart is "all in." Before its like I was one foot in and one foot out, but Jesus says that you're either in or you're out. On judgement day at the end of the age there's no "gray" waiting area for people who just aren't sure yet. As much as we'd like to think that, it's either God or no God. It's funny because I sat on the fence for a LONG time. I suppose I imagined that fence because it just doesn't exist. I figured if I was at least partway "in faith" I'd be okay. I've learned otherwise. Your heart is either His or the world's. Like someone said in bible study today, it's uncomfortable to talk about, we will be separated in the end. The righteous will go to heaven and the others to hell.
I am SO thankful that I finally figured out where my heart truly needed to be. I guess you could call me a bible thumper ;) I read God's word, I believe it and I want to share it with others because I want them to share in the love and forgiveness that is offered. It's a very real thing that at one time I doubted more than anything. I am sure I have longtime friends who, if they even read my posts, wonder "what happened to Katie? or Why is she so different?" All I can say is that I'm finally figuring out what life is truly about. Oh and regardless what you drink, bible thumpers have fun too :)